Are you planning to travel to relatives this holiday season? Or, maybe your family is spending Christmas in England? Whatever your travel plans, here are some tips to keep you sane (and help you save money).
1. Don’t travel on peak days. If you can avoid traveling the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, do so because this is the worst travel day of the year! Consider traveling on Thanksgiving Day to get where you need to be. The cost of travel is usually cheaper the day of a holiday. Christmas and New Year’s depends on when they fall during the week. Be as flexible as you can to avoid high rates and crowded terminals and roads. Shop around and shop early to get the best rate if you’re flying.
2. Research your trip. If you’re traveling by car, be familiar with some alternative routes to avoid traffic. You can break up the drive (if driving a long distance) by finding some fun places to stop, eat, stretch and enjoy. If you’re flying, know the airline’s fees and restrictions for carry-on luggage and checked bags.
3. Pack light. If you’re flying, avoid checking a bag if possible. If you check your bags, keep your medication, passport (or other important documents) and an extra set of clothing in a carry-on bag with you. If you’re traveling by car, less is best. Don’t worry if you forget something, you can always find it on the road or at your final destination.
4. Plan for the unexpected. Be as flexible and patient as you can if you have a flight delay, a flat tire, or a family member gets sick. Make sure you have the necessary food and water (and medicine) available as well as things to do to pass the time.
5. Stay connected. If you’re flying, download the latest app available for your airline so you can check flight status and airport traffic. If driving, use your GPS or a maps app on your phone to take alternate routes if necessary. You can find the cheapest gas (and cleanest bathrooms) on the road as well as hotels for your family with a little research.
Depending on where you’re traveling, leave early or late. Try to be patient and kind to your fellow travelers. Everyone wants to get to where they’re going and start their holiday. Take a deep breath and smile. You’ll be amazed how much this will help you enjoy your travel.
For more helpful tips like these, please visit our blog.
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