Help Your Business Grow Using Facebook
Social media is a great way to spread the word about your company. Of all the social media platforms, Facebook is one of the most dominant and has a reach that continues to grow. Here are a few things you can do to use Facebook effectively for your business.
• Be a brand snob. Whatever messaging you provide on Facebook, make sure it’s consistent with your company’s brand. Everything you post should reflect your vision, mission, and values.
• Be relevant. Post at least once a day to keep your followers engaged. But, don’t just post to post. Share relevant information, quotes, statistics, blogs, and articles that will entice your followers. Create a meaningful conversation with your “friends.” And, include pictures whenever possible.
• Motivate to engage. Consider sponsoring a contest for followers who post about your company or product on their Facebook page (or even other social media platforms). Give something away that would be meaningful to your followers and your business.
• Use Facebook live and video. Video is a great way to engage followers. Go live at your business one day, or at an event you’re holding. You could create a how-to video on your phone (and then post it) to increase your followers and sales.
• Advertise your page. Don’t be shy. Put your Facebook page on your website, collateral, business cards – everywhere you can.
• Be responsive. If someone contacts you on your page, or comments on something you’ve posted, reply in a timely manner (within 24 hours). By responding quickly, you let your followers know you care about what they say, which builds trust over time.
Using Facebook effectively will take some planning – you can’t just throw things on your page and expect it all to stick. And, you’ll need to test some posts to see what really works. The payoff will be worth your effort.
To learn more about how City National Bank & Trust can help your business grow, click here, or give us a call at 844-861-1299.