Check fraud is a challenge for all businesses and financial institutions today. With advancements in technology, it has become increasingly easy for criminals to manipulate or forge checks. Check fraud can happen to anyone; someone can steal a blank check from your wallet or home and even look through your garbage for a cancelled or old check. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to prevent check fraud from happening to you.
Store Your Checks Securely
• Store your checks, deposit slips, monthly and quarterly statements, and cancelled checks in a secure and locked location.
• Don’t leave your checkbook in your vehicle.
• Destroy all old cancelled checks, account statements, deposit tickets and ATM receipts (unless they are needed for tax purposes).
Keep Your Account Number to Yourself
• Never give your checking account number or any other account number to someone you don’t know, especially over the telephone.
• Review your checking statement to detect any irregularities.
Mail Bills Securely and Review Your Checks
• Do not mail any of your bills from an unlocked mailbox.
• Examine your new checks for any tampering.
• If you have a checking account with City National Bank, report any irregularities to one of our representatives immediately.
Limit Your Personal Information on Checks and Be Wary of Where You Endorse
• Make sure you protect your identity by limiting the personal information you put on your checks.
• Do not include your SSN or driver’s license on your check.
• Try to avoid endorsing your checks at the teller window or drive-thru.
• Never write your credit card number on your check; that is not a necessary form of identification.
Take Precautions When Writing a Check
• When writing on your check, use dark pen that cannot be easily erased or covered up.
• Make sure each number matches the check register or duplicate slip as it is used.
• Be sure to verify your check numbers after each shopping trip.
City National Bank values your privacy and we are committed to helping you keep your identity safe and secure. Click here to learn more about how to protect yourself from being a victim of fraudulent activity.